Ghana has dropped in its position as a prosperous country. The
country lost nine places to rank 87th out of 142 nations in the 2012
Global Prosperity Index released by the Legatum Institute October 30,
Ghana ranked 78 out of 110 countries in the 2011 edition and 90 in 2010.
Ghana’s best ranking on the 2012 Index was in Freedom where it placed
39th. The Ghana’s worst ranking was in the area of economy. The country
placed placed 111st.
As compared to the 2011 edition where Ghana placed third in
sub-Saharan Africa, the country this time dropped to the fourth place
after Botswana, South Africa and Namibia who took the first, second and
third position in the region respectively.
Legatum Institute’s prosperity index, now in its sixth year, assesses
global wealth and wellbeing and benchmarks 142 countries around the
world in eight categories – Economy, Education, Entrepreneurship and
opportunity, Governance, Health, Personal freedom, Safety and security
and Social capital
In terms of entrepreneurship and opportunity, Ghana placed 101st as compared to the 2011 edition’s 85th.
According to Legatum, 68.5% of Ghanaians have confidence in the
government while 77.6% of the population has confidence in the country’s
judicial system. In that sense, the index ranked Ghana 54th in terms of
governance as compared to the 51st place in the 2011 Index.
On other areas Ghana was ranked 104th in Education as against 94th in
2011, Health (99th) compared to 87th in 2011, Safety & security
(67th) against 2011’s 55th and Social capital (94th) compared to 71st in
Norway topped the index while Central African Republic was last.
The Institute sourced its data from Gallup World Poll, the World
Trade Organisation (WTO), World Development Indicators, GDP, World
Intellectual Property Organization, UN Human Development Report, World
Bank, OECD and World Values Survey.
Wednesday, October 31
Tuesday, October 30
Fee-free education in Ghana
At the heart of the Old Testament narrative is the Pentateuch (Torah). Right smack in the middle of the Torah is Leviticus meaning "relating to the descendants of Levi starting with Aaron’s sons as the priests. The origin can possibly be located in the context of the post-exilic period some 2,500 years after creation. It paints a picture of the ethical and ritual life, what we might call a priestly impulse. It sheds lights on the connection between priesthood and people as mediators representing the people to God and God to the people.
Among many ritual laws introduced by the book of Leviticus is the law of tithing first revealed as payment only on the increase of the land and animals (Leviticus 27:30–31). The Hebrew and Greek words for “tithe” both simply mean “a tenth.” The Encyclopedia Americana defines the general tithe as “the tenth part of produce or other income, paid voluntarily or under the compulsion of law for the benefit of religious institutions, the support of priests and pastors, and the relief of those in need.” The introduction of this law became necessary as a means of supporting the tribe of Levi (Levites) who were chosen as priests of God hence were not given portions of land inheritance when the Israelite reached the promised land after the exodus from Egypt. All the other eleven tribes (representing sons of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel) each had a share of piece of land for agricultural produce except Levi, being dedicated to the work of God. Another reason was to support the work of God and the needy in Israel.
The mainstream contemporary church insists that the tithe is an unchanging biblical standard, or eternal moral principle, which reflects the character of God, therefore, exact tithing of ten percent of one’s gross income should be observed by all Christians. In addition, free-will offerings are to be given thus all forms of offertories including 'Kofi ne Ama' as well as harvests are collected at local congregations. Without exception, the tithe must be returned to God first thus tithe is used in paying salaries of gospel workers and providing social programmes. Some smaller churches also use the tithe for building funds and payment of all church debts. Other necessities such as shelter, child care, medicine, food, heat, and clothing must be given less priority. The church is obligated to teach tithing because it is a biblical command.
Over the weekend, the General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Dr. Mensa Otabil delivered a sermon at which he is purported to have said "education can never be free". The main thrust of his thinking is "somebody is paying for it...“Nothing is free, you are paying for it. Only you are being told you didn’t pay. How do you pay for it? Through taxation. Who pays the taxes? Me.” You see when they come to you and say things like fee-free education. You are happy; take your children to school. Government is good. He added that the only reason why Ghanaians will believe such promises is because “ignorance makes it easy for people to accept anything”.
“I don’t believe in free education. I said pay me well my due and let me have the joy of paying my own child’s school fees so that my child is not a property of the state. He’s my own child and I have the dignity of a father to pay for my own child. When my child grows up I say I paid your fees.” He said Ghanaians should demand quality before believing anything that is offered as free because a freebie will be of no value to the individual.
“If someone tells you anything is free, ask them what is the quality? Because if you don’t know the quality don’t take it free.”
He said people should ask those offering the freebies if Ghanaians have any control over what is being offered before they buy into the ideas. He added that the when one is offered a free item, even when it is bad, one cannot complain.
I have just few questions to ask:
1. Does Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil apply these principles to collecting tithes and free-will offerings at ICGC congregations?
2. By virtue of ICGC priests owing large firms like GAMA company operators of TV3 and First BanC among others, are they not earning enough income to support themselves and their families to negate the law and application of tithing and free-will offerings at ICGC congregation?
3. Does the Central University College where Dr. Mensa Otabil is also the Chancellor operate and offer scholarship schemes as well as organise Poor Fund at ICGC congregations?
4. Do members of ICGC congregation subscribe to NHIS and has Dr. Mensa Otabil explained to them that payment of 2.5% NHI Levy on VAT affected goods and services means NHIS is not free and good?
5. Do members of ICGC congregation work at NYEP where Talk Tax from telephone and internet users is used to pay them?
6. Do members of ICGC congregation attend public run basic schools where Capitation Grant from taxes is giving fee-free education and to some free feeding as well as GETFUND removing 'so-called Schools Under Trees' and distributing free laptops, exercise books, and uniforms?
7. Is Dr. Mensa Otabil by this position implying that there is a public salary pay discrimination policy against citizens from Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions hence fee-free education for their children for the past 55 years and still counting?
8. Lastly but apparently not the least, does Pastor Mensa Otabil pay his clergy and gospel workers so well that they pave their own roads, treat their own pipe-borne water, refuse fuel subsidy and many other public goods and services?
Opinion, they say are like noses, each of us has one. Personally, given the opportunity to proffer a position on the education debate, I would have offered a modified scheme rather than wholesale free for all. This is not because people do not deserve it or the state cannot afford it, my perspective relates to what Ghanaians do to anything tagged as 'aban dea' (belonging to the state) while keeping an eye on sustainability. If nobody is questioning the right of children in Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions to fee-free education and we all admit that Ghana has been able to sustain it for 55 years, there is no reason adding on the extra remaining seven regions of Volta, Greater Accra, Central, Western, Brong Ahafo, Ashanti and Eastern Regions should raise questions about sustainability and quality. Are there no evidences to show that products of the fee-free education from northern Ghana are equal in quality to any part of the world? By such logic are those people raising quality concerns attempting to shoot down or question the credentials of the sitting President John Dramani Mahama who is a product of fee-free education? Indeed was his father not well paid as a Minister of State at the time he sent little John Mahama away from Achimota School in Accra to Tamale to enjoy fee-free education?
The truth for me is quite simply this; there is nothing wrong for any Ghanaian be it from the clergy or any other profession critiquing and taking a personal position on any matter of public interest. That is a constitutional and a fundamental human right. In fact I detest people who argue that the clergy should stay away from politics, a position even our constitution abhors. The constitution even nowhere unlike the case of chieftaincy, debars the clergy from active partisan politics. This evidently can be deduced and seen from the actions of Prophet Tigya of the DFP (PNDC) and Prophet Nkansah of NVP. My concern about Dr. Mensa-Otabil's pronouncement stems from the logic he advanced to support his position. Having written a thesis on care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and having been part of my church's efforts to support and address the problems confronting the less privileged in society, I can boldly and unashamedly stand up and argue their cause. Oh yes, there are privileged couple of citizens as Dr. Mensa Otabil, nonetheless the concept of the broom reminds us of the strength in numbers. I am sure as the General Overseer of the ICGC he is not oblivious of the prominence given to widows, the sick, the poor, orphans, and such people in the Bible from which I believe his church ICGC is indoctrinated. I only hope that on sober reflections, he will come back and 'clarify' his argument. My assumption is that perhaps we either do not get the crux of his position or even we misunderstand him. It is also very possible he intended a different explanation but got it all twisted in the course of delivering his sermon.
The skill of communicating is to create a context in which other people can think. As things stand presently, I can only imagine reasons for his thinking are flawed, outrageous and if stretched any further, the most logical conclusion that can be drawn is that religion in the general sense keeps the people listless and sedated as an opiate or opium leaves people. When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. If the eye cannot see it, the hand cannot make it, if the tongs will not hold it, the hammer cannot hit it, if you cannot remember it, forget it. Just a little reminder that those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
If there is any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something. It's almost impossible to succeed. But... who cares, really? The answer must be in the attempt. Can President John Dramani Mahama's father say "the President 's my own child and I have the dignity of a father to have paid for John Mahama's school fees"?
Pleasant debate folks! <3
Among many ritual laws introduced by the book of Leviticus is the law of tithing first revealed as payment only on the increase of the land and animals (Leviticus 27:30–31). The Hebrew and Greek words for “tithe” both simply mean “a tenth.” The Encyclopedia Americana defines the general tithe as “the tenth part of produce or other income, paid voluntarily or under the compulsion of law for the benefit of religious institutions, the support of priests and pastors, and the relief of those in need.” The introduction of this law became necessary as a means of supporting the tribe of Levi (Levites) who were chosen as priests of God hence were not given portions of land inheritance when the Israelite reached the promised land after the exodus from Egypt. All the other eleven tribes (representing sons of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel) each had a share of piece of land for agricultural produce except Levi, being dedicated to the work of God. Another reason was to support the work of God and the needy in Israel.
The mainstream contemporary church insists that the tithe is an unchanging biblical standard, or eternal moral principle, which reflects the character of God, therefore, exact tithing of ten percent of one’s gross income should be observed by all Christians. In addition, free-will offerings are to be given thus all forms of offertories including 'Kofi ne Ama' as well as harvests are collected at local congregations. Without exception, the tithe must be returned to God first thus tithe is used in paying salaries of gospel workers and providing social programmes. Some smaller churches also use the tithe for building funds and payment of all church debts. Other necessities such as shelter, child care, medicine, food, heat, and clothing must be given less priority. The church is obligated to teach tithing because it is a biblical command.
Over the weekend, the General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Dr. Mensa Otabil delivered a sermon at which he is purported to have said "education can never be free". The main thrust of his thinking is "somebody is paying for it...“Nothing is free, you are paying for it. Only you are being told you didn’t pay. How do you pay for it? Through taxation. Who pays the taxes? Me.” You see when they come to you and say things like fee-free education. You are happy; take your children to school. Government is good. He added that the only reason why Ghanaians will believe such promises is because “ignorance makes it easy for people to accept anything”.
“I don’t believe in free education. I said pay me well my due and let me have the joy of paying my own child’s school fees so that my child is not a property of the state. He’s my own child and I have the dignity of a father to pay for my own child. When my child grows up I say I paid your fees.” He said Ghanaians should demand quality before believing anything that is offered as free because a freebie will be of no value to the individual.
“If someone tells you anything is free, ask them what is the quality? Because if you don’t know the quality don’t take it free.”
He said people should ask those offering the freebies if Ghanaians have any control over what is being offered before they buy into the ideas. He added that the when one is offered a free item, even when it is bad, one cannot complain.
I have just few questions to ask:
1. Does Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil apply these principles to collecting tithes and free-will offerings at ICGC congregations?
2. By virtue of ICGC priests owing large firms like GAMA company operators of TV3 and First BanC among others, are they not earning enough income to support themselves and their families to negate the law and application of tithing and free-will offerings at ICGC congregation?
3. Does the Central University College where Dr. Mensa Otabil is also the Chancellor operate and offer scholarship schemes as well as organise Poor Fund at ICGC congregations?
4. Do members of ICGC congregation subscribe to NHIS and has Dr. Mensa Otabil explained to them that payment of 2.5% NHI Levy on VAT affected goods and services means NHIS is not free and good?
5. Do members of ICGC congregation work at NYEP where Talk Tax from telephone and internet users is used to pay them?
6. Do members of ICGC congregation attend public run basic schools where Capitation Grant from taxes is giving fee-free education and to some free feeding as well as GETFUND removing 'so-called Schools Under Trees' and distributing free laptops, exercise books, and uniforms?
7. Is Dr. Mensa Otabil by this position implying that there is a public salary pay discrimination policy against citizens from Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions hence fee-free education for their children for the past 55 years and still counting?
8. Lastly but apparently not the least, does Pastor Mensa Otabil pay his clergy and gospel workers so well that they pave their own roads, treat their own pipe-borne water, refuse fuel subsidy and many other public goods and services?
Opinion, they say are like noses, each of us has one. Personally, given the opportunity to proffer a position on the education debate, I would have offered a modified scheme rather than wholesale free for all. This is not because people do not deserve it or the state cannot afford it, my perspective relates to what Ghanaians do to anything tagged as 'aban dea' (belonging to the state) while keeping an eye on sustainability. If nobody is questioning the right of children in Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions to fee-free education and we all admit that Ghana has been able to sustain it for 55 years, there is no reason adding on the extra remaining seven regions of Volta, Greater Accra, Central, Western, Brong Ahafo, Ashanti and Eastern Regions should raise questions about sustainability and quality. Are there no evidences to show that products of the fee-free education from northern Ghana are equal in quality to any part of the world? By such logic are those people raising quality concerns attempting to shoot down or question the credentials of the sitting President John Dramani Mahama who is a product of fee-free education? Indeed was his father not well paid as a Minister of State at the time he sent little John Mahama away from Achimota School in Accra to Tamale to enjoy fee-free education?
The truth for me is quite simply this; there is nothing wrong for any Ghanaian be it from the clergy or any other profession critiquing and taking a personal position on any matter of public interest. That is a constitutional and a fundamental human right. In fact I detest people who argue that the clergy should stay away from politics, a position even our constitution abhors. The constitution even nowhere unlike the case of chieftaincy, debars the clergy from active partisan politics. This evidently can be deduced and seen from the actions of Prophet Tigya of the DFP (PNDC) and Prophet Nkansah of NVP. My concern about Dr. Mensa-Otabil's pronouncement stems from the logic he advanced to support his position. Having written a thesis on care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and having been part of my church's efforts to support and address the problems confronting the less privileged in society, I can boldly and unashamedly stand up and argue their cause. Oh yes, there are privileged couple of citizens as Dr. Mensa Otabil, nonetheless the concept of the broom reminds us of the strength in numbers. I am sure as the General Overseer of the ICGC he is not oblivious of the prominence given to widows, the sick, the poor, orphans, and such people in the Bible from which I believe his church ICGC is indoctrinated. I only hope that on sober reflections, he will come back and 'clarify' his argument. My assumption is that perhaps we either do not get the crux of his position or even we misunderstand him. It is also very possible he intended a different explanation but got it all twisted in the course of delivering his sermon.
The skill of communicating is to create a context in which other people can think. As things stand presently, I can only imagine reasons for his thinking are flawed, outrageous and if stretched any further, the most logical conclusion that can be drawn is that religion in the general sense keeps the people listless and sedated as an opiate or opium leaves people. When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. If the eye cannot see it, the hand cannot make it, if the tongs will not hold it, the hammer cannot hit it, if you cannot remember it, forget it. Just a little reminder that those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
If there is any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something. It's almost impossible to succeed. But... who cares, really? The answer must be in the attempt. Can President John Dramani Mahama's father say "the President 's my own child and I have the dignity of a father to have paid for John Mahama's school fees"?
Pleasant debate folks! <3
10/30/2012 08:30:00 am
fee-free education,
Pastor Mensa Otaibil,
West Africa

Posted by
Sunday, October 21
Woes of the woman at the hands of insatiable Man
For a number of girls the true meaning love and being in love is never grasped hence tend to focus on the wrong end nerves. It is more meaningful to be loved
from the inside out, than from the outside in. Focus on beautifying the
inside. Weave positivity into your spirit. Make up your face with a
smile, dress up your attitude with humility, spritz on some joy from
head to toe. Attract him with the beauty of your heart. From there try to grasp the natural differences that exist between girls and boys so that you don't fall into the same desperation many female spouses find themselves; MOST MEN ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE...
If the man calls a woman and her phone is switched off, he thinks she is cheating so then he sends a SMS saying “don’t tell me the battery story because I know that line”!!
If the man calls a woman and her phone is switched off, he thinks she is cheating so then he sends a SMS saying “don’t tell me the battery story because I know that line”!!
If the woman treats him nicely, he says she is too in love, moving too fast; If she doesn't, the man says she is proud!!
If the woman dresses gorgeously, he says she is trying to seduce/lure other men; If she doesn't, the man says she is rural!!
If the woman is smarter than him, she is a show off; If the man is smarter than her, he is great!!
If the woman doesn't love him, he tries to possess her; If she loves him, the man takes her for granted (very true huh)!!
If the woman doesn't make love to him, he says she doesn't love him; If she does, the man says she is cheap!!
If the woman scolds him, she is treating him like a child; If the man scolds her, it is because he cares for her!!
If the woman argues with the man, he says she is stubborn and too manly; If she keeps quiet, the man says she has no brains hence a walkover!!
If the woman is smarter than him, she is a show off; If the man is smarter than her, he is great!!
If the woman doesn't love him, he tries to possess her; If she loves him, the man takes her for granted (very true huh)!!
If the woman doesn't make love to him, he says she doesn't love him; If she does, the man says she is cheap!!
If the woman tells him her problems, he says she is trouble; If she doesn't, the man says she doesn't trust him!!
If the woman breaks her promise, she cannot be trusted; If the man breaks his, it is circumstances beyond his control (yea right)!!
If the woman smokes, sh is a bad girl; If the man smokes, he is a gentleman!!
If the woman does well in her career, it is luck ; If the man does well, it is definitely brains!!
If the woman hurts him, she is cruel; If the man hurts her, she is too sensitive!!
If the woman sends this information to guys, they will swear that it is not true, it is nonsense; if she doesn't, they say she is selfish!!
If the woman is quiet, she is angry; If the man is quiet, he is thinking!!
What men should know ..a woman who truly loves you will get angry at you for so many reasons but forever will still stick around. You've probably come across the saying that a wife material should know how to cook because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. You'll possibly have to reassess this view and act smart.
A wife material is not someone that can cook, wash your clothes or clean the house, you can always get a maidservant to perform those chores. A wife material is that woman that even when the world is against you, she sticks by you and got your back covered, it is that woman that no matter how things get rough, you can always count on her. She is that woman who even when you don't know who to turn to anymore she is always telling you I am here for you and will never let go.
A wife material is not someone that can cook, wash your clothes or clean the house, you can always get a maidservant to perform those chores. A wife material is that woman that even when the world is against you, she sticks by you and got your back covered, it is that woman that no matter how things get rough, you can always count on her. She is that woman who even when you don't know who to turn to anymore she is always telling you I am here for you and will never let go.
Posted by
Thursday, October 18
Olele's family in Prophet TB Joshua's spiritual snare
Wife of Ghanaian international Richard Kingson has confessed
bewitching her husband since they got married. Speaking at the Synagogue
Church in Nigeria, the woman revealed how she had used her evil powers
to trouble the goalkeeper’s carrer and made him impotent as well. The pastor of the church TB Joshua prayed for her and asked her to
tell all that she was still hiding.
Again, Prophet TB Joshua was in the news recently for another
controversy. This minister and his organisation; The Synagogue Church of
All Nations (SCOAN) remain the most controversial Christian
personalities in the world today. There are doubts over their emergence,
miracles, prophecies, source of power and other activities.
In fact, every action of this prophet or any news from his synagogue
is always received with suspicion by the Christian community, the media
and even unbelievers. So, few weeks ago, when Adelaide Tawiah; the wife
of the Ghanaian former premier league goalkeeper Richard kingson was
reported to have confessed on a television programme organised by Joshua
that she was a witch and was responsible for spiritually sabotaging her
husband’s football carrier and also rendering him impotent, I knew it
was going to be another ‘rain of bashes’ for the Arigidi-Akoko born
self-styled preacher. Kingson who has previously played in the Premier
League for Birmingham , Wigan and Blackpool, has failed to find a new
club since being released from Bloomfield Road last year and has also
lost his place in the Ghana national team.
The couple went to be prayed for and as the prophet was casting out
the ‘evil spirit’ from Mrs Kingson, she fell down and began to confess,
“I messed up Richard’s life ever since we got married. I used my evil
powers to trouble his career, I’ve been working on him spiritually to
the point he could not perform in bed,” Imagine that! On television!
Before her husband and the congregation! Before the whole world! She has
since denied being a witch or responsible for her husband’s
misfortunes. She said she was spiritually manipulated by TB to make
those confessions. She says she has been very supportive of her
husband’s carrier and never worked against him. Kingson has also denied
that his wife is a witch. But all these are coming late because the
damage has already been done.
Remember this is the same woman who saved Kingson from shame in 2006
when she advised him not to take a $300,000 bribe to let in two goals
during a match against the Czech Republic at the 2006 World Cup in
Germany . This tempting amount was against the paltry sum of $8,000 that
was the winning bonus for the match. She told her husband not to get
involve in such dirty deal because her love for him is not for money.
She has also stressed that her husband knows how inspirational she has
been to his goalkeeping career.
Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua, fondly called TB Joshua is not new
to controversies. Remember, when Chris Oyakhilome (Pastor Chris of Christ Embassy fame) visited him sometime ago, that singular action caused so much uproar in the Nigeria Christian
circles and the media promptly feasted on it. The ‘vibrations’ from that
crisis dictated the headlines for the major newspapers and magazines
for so many weeks. The Nigerian Christians were confused.
Though they had permanently placed TB as a false prophet, but they
didn’t know what to do with Chris Oyakhilome; who later claimed that he
shares the same father-in-the- lord with TB, and was going to the
synagogue to learn healing from the prophet. This shook the whole
nation. Many ministers of the gospel reacted. People like Chris Okotie
chided Oyakhilome and also began to dissect TB’s operations; describing
him as a high occult manipulator. Trust him to use known and unknown
words to drive home this point. It was virtually a media war between
them. I still remember some of those headlines: ‘The War of the
Chrises’, ‘Crisis of the Chrises’, ‘Oyakhilome Replies Okotie’, etc.
It was later that we were made to know that the publicity given to
the Oyakhilome’s visits to the Synagogue was arranged by TB and his
media assistants. The same people that did the ‘work’ are now saying so.
Have you watched the video confessions of Bisola Joshua (Bisi) and Pastor Godwin Paul Agomoh, all formerly with TB at the SCOAN called "Deception of the Age ( Bisi said
she was the head of TB’s media team and Agomoh, the former Deputy to the
prophet. The pictures and the confessions in this video are simply
shocking, revealing, unbelievable and unprintable.
They graphically, in details, with clips, pictures narrated how this
man abuses women; whites, blacks, minors, choir members, sisters of same
parents, wives of his workers and pastors, etc. Even Bisi confessed she
was also mercilessly, thoroughly abused, used, manipulated and rendered
useless by this man. She showed her pictures when she came newly to the
synagogue and the ones while leaving to show how she was virtually
turned into a ghost through sexual abuse and spiritual manipulation.
They also revealed how the so-called miracles and healings take place
in the synagogue, how people are hired to do fake confessions, the
media manipulations, how they arrange words of knowledge and wisdom, the
source of the man’s power and influence, his hatred for true ministers
of the gospel; how he marches on their pictures making powerful
incantations against them.
They also talked about his hit squads, rituals, deceits, hatred for
whites, love for money, etc. I mean on video. It is a must-watch. And
remember these are his erstwhile confidants. Insiders! You will get very
very angry in the spirit after watching the video. I watched it
objectively, comparing it with other facts that I have. And if these
things are fake, why have the producers not been sued for defamation up
till now?? But are these men truly fake prophets or anti-Christ?
How do you know a fake prophet or a fake place of worship?
Tuesday, October 16
Defining Socio-political Words in Ghana
Today we will study the latest entry words and their meanings as listed in the new Ghana Urban Dictionary.
1. Dwarf; A person who hijacks a political party from its founder.
2. Mills; The art of dying and going to heaven by force.
3. Rawlings; The art of being frustrated and talking by heart.
4. Konadu; ɛbɛkɔ goal dea, ɛnkɔ corner.
1. Dwarf; A person who hijacks a political party from its founder.
2. Mills; The art of dying and going to heaven by force.
3. Rawlings; The art of being frustrated and talking by heart.
4. Konadu; ɛbɛkɔ goal dea, ɛnkɔ corner.
5. Woyome. (Noun) A person who takes too much money that he or she can't enjoy.
7. Nduom; A disease that makes you over ambitious.
8. JJ; The process of being a strong man when you see people but chicken when you see your wife.
9. All-die-be-die; A decision not to be intimidated again.
10. ECG; A company that can sit miles away and turn your TV off in your house much safer using Either Candle or Generator (ECG).
7. Nduom; A disease that makes you over ambitious.
8. JJ; The process of being a strong man when you see people but chicken when you see your wife.
9. All-die-be-die; A decision not to be intimidated again.
10. ECG; A company that can sit miles away and turn your TV off in your house much safer using Either Candle or Generator (ECG).
11. Kofi Wayo; a person who brags and always compares Ghana to the United States wishing he could change Ghana within a day.
12. Nana Addo; the art of wanting to be the president at all cost.
13. EC; the political referee that is really clueless on regulations governing the game.
14. CHRAJ; art of setting up a white elephant body supposedly to battle abuse of office engulfing itself
15. JDM; judgement debts manager who can't answer simple Yes or No if he is corrupt or not instead prefers to be reported fully knowing that is forbidden.
16. GNPC; the art of awarding group members millions of dollars while failing to raise just $20,000 and rather chooses to use bamboo stick to support the hen that lays the golden egg.
17. GFA; A collection of 21st century pirates without compass and GPS at midsea on treasure hunt.
14. CHRAJ; art of setting up a white elephant body supposedly to battle abuse of office engulfing itself
15. JDM; judgement debts manager who can't answer simple Yes or No if he is corrupt or not instead prefers to be reported fully knowing that is forbidden.
16. GNPC; the art of awarding group members millions of dollars while failing to raise just $20,000 and rather chooses to use bamboo stick to support the hen that lays the golden egg.
17. GFA; A collection of 21st century pirates without compass and GPS at midsea on treasure hunt.
18. MTN; A person who has the gift of prophesying that the yutong bus would be in an abyss but won't disembark till pushed off.
19.Sharp teeth; the tendency to assemble young inexperienced ignoramus to dish out unprintable words against opponents.
20. Greedy Bastards; The art of specialising in looting social resources to line up one's private personal pockets.
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Forty-five Things a Lady wants but will Never Ask FOR
You’ll never know when the woman in your life will need just a little more love .. !
A must read and share these awesome facts!
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
A must read and share these awesome facts!
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she’s your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so just hug her.
24. Make her feel loved.
26. Don’t lie to her.27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn’t need you, just be there so she’ll know that she can always count on you.
31. Hold her close when she’s cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.
35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If she’s upset, comfort her.
36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
41. Call or text her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much you love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while you’re sitting on her.
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Friday, October 12
Some Surprising Facts About Orgasms
An orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure. It typically consists
of a series of involuntary muscle contractions in the sexual organs,
lower pelvic muscles, and the anus. An orgasm is accompanied by the
release of endorphins - opioid-like chemicals produced in the brain that
give a feeling of euphoria. During an orgasm the person experiences a change in heart rate, blood
pressure, and respiratory rate and depth. There is an intense and
explosive feeling of pleasure. Great deal of differences exist in the manner in which men and women achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse or intimacy. In males, the most common way of achieving orgasm is by the stimulation of the penis. In females, the most common way of achieving orgasm is by stimulation of the clitoris.
Female orgasm occurs when beforehand the vaginal walls moisten and the
clitoris enlarges. Then the clitoris goes inward under the clitoral hood
and the vagina gets about one-third smaller. There are rhythmic
contractions of the pelvic muscle, vagina and uterus. Females do not
have a refractory period. On the other hand male orgasm is achieved as the male experiences rapid, rhythmic contractions
of the urethra, the muscles at the base of the penis, and the prostate.
Ejaculation of semen usually occurs through the urethral opening of the
penis. A male orgasm usually lasts from 4 to about 10 seconds.
Ejaculation without orgasm is possible, as is having an orgasm without
ejaculation. After an orgasm the male goes through a refractory period -
this is a short period after the nerve cell fires during which it
cannot respond to additional stimulation. An orgasm cannot occur during
the refractory period.
Men rarely have problems reaching orgasm. Women usually do hence knowing some female mysteries help to understand and work to stimulate faster orgasm. Women are complicated creatures. It seems like men never fully understand what they want both emotionally and physically. While men haven’t quite figured out how to keep women from getting mad at them, or from breaking into spontaneous crying fits,experienced has helped to devise a surefire way for us to figure out their plumbing down below and help them reach orgasm faster. The big “o” is sex isn't about the destination; it's about the means of travelling. Well, that is a lovely sentiment, but if it takes five buses, two trains and a plane to arrive at Destination Orgasm, the journey can get a tad tedious! That is why you want to learn the way to Destination Faster Orgasms instead. The good news is, there's a lot you can do to speed up your orgasms:
Men rarely have problems reaching orgasm. Women usually do hence knowing some female mysteries help to understand and work to stimulate faster orgasm. Women are complicated creatures. It seems like men never fully understand what they want both emotionally and physically. While men haven’t quite figured out how to keep women from getting mad at them, or from breaking into spontaneous crying fits,experienced has helped to devise a surefire way for us to figure out their plumbing down below and help them reach orgasm faster. The big “o” is sex isn't about the destination; it's about the means of travelling. Well, that is a lovely sentiment, but if it takes five buses, two trains and a plane to arrive at Destination Orgasm, the journey can get a tad tedious! That is why you want to learn the way to Destination Faster Orgasms instead. The good news is, there's a lot you can do to speed up your orgasms:
Prime yourself for sex by turning yourself on beforehand. Even if you are out to dinner with friends, while he is talking, think
about what that tongue will do to you later, how much you would rather his
fingers be inside you than wrapped around that beer glass, you get the
picture. Several factors seem to
influence whether women have both multiple and vaginal orgasms (as
opposed to clitoral orgasms, which are more common): You can't control
the sensitivity of your G-spot and other internal spots, but you can
strengthen your PC muscles by doing your Kegel exercises. Also, be sure
you are being flexible when it comes to trying different stimulation and
orgasm triggers. In other words, when one technique brings you to orgasm
quickly, make a note of what worked so you can try it again!
Match your foreplay to your mood. If you're feeling really horny, odds are good that you'll want to hastily apply some lubricant and get him to penetrate with no foreplay at all. If you're feeling only so-so sexy, lots of oral sex might be necessary to get you anywhere close to orgasm.
The better he can control his orgasm, the better your chances are for having more orgasms. As you are stimulating him, get him to rate how turned on he's feeling on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the no-looking-back-now point). Drive him to distraction by revving him up to a seven or eight, then slowing it down again, several times over before letting him go all the way. Make frequent contact with his penis. If your hand, tongue or vagina touches it more frequently, it will be less sensitive to the touch and he'll last longer. If he starts to feel out of control, try giving him a squeeze. Squeezing the base of the penis firmly for a few seconds can delay ejaculation.
Match your foreplay to your mood. If you're feeling really horny, odds are good that you'll want to hastily apply some lubricant and get him to penetrate with no foreplay at all. If you're feeling only so-so sexy, lots of oral sex might be necessary to get you anywhere close to orgasm.
The better he can control his orgasm, the better your chances are for having more orgasms. As you are stimulating him, get him to rate how turned on he's feeling on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the no-looking-back-now point). Drive him to distraction by revving him up to a seven or eight, then slowing it down again, several times over before letting him go all the way. Make frequent contact with his penis. If your hand, tongue or vagina touches it more frequently, it will be less sensitive to the touch and he'll last longer. If he starts to feel out of control, try giving him a squeeze. Squeezing the base of the penis firmly for a few seconds can delay ejaculation.
2. Condom use doesn’t affect orgasm quality.
8. There is an orgasm “gap.”
9. In rare cases, orgasm can happen without genital stimulation.
10. For most women, it takes a while…
In case
you’re wondering if a condom has anything to do with the quality of your
orgasm, don’t. “Women are equally likely to experience orgasm with or
without a condom, dispelling myths that condoms don't make for good
sex. In fact, condoms may
help a couple spend more time having sex, as a man doesn't have to ‘pull
out’ quickly if he's worried about ejaculating too soon.
3. Thirty percent of women have trouble reaching orgasm.
If you’ve ever had trouble climaxing, you’re not alone. According to
Planned Parenthood statistics, as many as 1 in 3 women have trouble
reaching orgasm when having sex. And as many as 80 percent of women have
difficulty with orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone. Clitoral
stimulation during intercourse can help but so can medical
treatment. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD), which encompasses the
inability to orgasm, is very common—as high as 43 percent, according to
some surveys—and has been a topic of much debate and medical
investigation lately. For some women, topical testosterone
therapies or some oral medications can be helpful, but few medical
treatments have solid evidence behind them.
4. Finding your G-spot may improve the likelihood of orgasm.
Can you identify your G-spot? The "G" refers to Ernst Gräfenberg, MD, a
German gynecologist who is credited with “discovering” it in the 1950s,
and sex experts have long touted this area of female genitalia, which
is believed to contain a large number of nerve endings, as the key to
helping women achieve longer and stronger orgasm. But it’s a
controversial topic.
5. Orgasm gets better with age.
Sure, there are plenty of things to gripe about when it comes to age,
but your sex life may actually improve—specifically the quality and
frequency of orgasm. As an example, while 61 percent of women ages 18 to 24
experienced orgasm the last time they had sex, 65 percent of women in
their 30s did and about 70 percent of women in their 40s and 50s did.
Though the survey didn't indicate why orgasms come easier with age, we
can assume that as women become more sexually experienced, they have
more confidence in the bedroom and therefore enjoy themselves more.
Additionally, the trust and intimacy that most women experience in
long-term relationships can help improve sexual confidence as well.
6. Women who mix things up in the bedroom have more frequent orgasm.
If you have trouble reaching orgasm during intercourse, consider
switching things up. It is significantly easier for
women to experience orgasm when they engage in a variety of sex acts as
opposed to just one act . For example, vaginal sex plus oral
sex would be linked to a higher likelihood of orgasm than either one of
them alone. This may be because more sex acts mean that people spend
more time having sex.
7. A woman’s sexual self-esteem can affect the quality of her orgasms.
Research shows that how a woman feels about her genitals is linked to
the quality of her orgasms. Every vagina looks different and there is no ‘perfect’
way for a vagina to look. As long as your vagina is
pain-free and you don’t have any abnormal discharge, sores or other
medical problems, you can consider yourself healthy and normal.
Increase your orgasm potential by increasing your confidence. It’s important to treat yourself the way you would want others to treat
you—send yourself healthy, positive messages about yourself and your
body. Another trick: Pull out a hand mirror and take a look! Getting to
know yourself down there is the first step in feeling confident about
your parts.
8. There is an orgasm “gap.”
While it’s true
that a small number of men have trouble with orgasm, sex experts report
that it’s rare. Instead, a significant percentage of women report not
having had an orgasm the last time they had sex, even when their male
partner thought they had. While 85 percent of men thought their partner had an orgasm
during their most recent episode of sex, only 64 percent of women
reported having an orgasm. The cure? It’s complicated but women who are comfortable with and understand their
body’s pleasure points can often learn to orgasm regularly.
9. In rare cases, orgasm can happen without genital stimulation.
We’ve all heard about women who can orgasm while sitting on a train or
while getting a massage, but it's no urban legend. Experts say it’s a
real phenomenon. The reason for spontaneous orgasms
during certain activities is twofold—increased blood flow to the
genitals and vibration of or contact with the clitoris. The increased
blood flow and the general relaxation of a massage can lead to orgasm
sometimes, too.
10. For most women, it takes a while…
Many women take longer to climax than their male partners, and that’s
perfectly normal. In fact, according to statistics, most
women require at least 20 minutes of sexual activity to climax. If you
find that your partner often reaches orgasm before you do, there are
ways to help him slow down. Mental exercises can sometimes
work, and so can firm pressure around the base of the penis.
Posted by
Sunday, October 7
Learn 88 facts about devising sexual compatibility test
Recent research has found some amazing statistics and uncovered some pretty extraordinary facts into devising sexual
compatibility test. We
reckon they’re too cool to keep to ourselves.
1. A woman is more likely to want to commit adultery during ovulation than at any other time in her cycle.
2. Telling a convincing lie to someone is much more difficult when you find them sexually attractive.
3. Minute quantities of over 30 different substances have been
identified in human semen. These include nitrogen, fructose, lactic
acid, ascorbic acid, inositol, cholesterol, glutathione, creatine,
pyruvic acid, citric acid, sorbitol, urea, uric acid and Vitamin B12,
along with various salts and enzymes.
4. Chocolate contains
phenylethylamine, the same feel-good chemical responsible for the
ecstatic high people experience through sexual attraction and love.
5. Women who have given birth have darker labia minora than women who haven’t.
6. The majority of women experience a peak in libido just before their period.
7. -321°F is the temperature at which sperm banks store donor semen. At this temperature, semen can be stored indefinitely.
8. The point at which the average man reaches his sexual peak is between the ages of 17 and 18.
9. The earth could be re-populated to its current level using the number of sperm that could fit into an aspirin capsule.
10. A chicken egg could accommodate the number of female ova necessary to repopulate the earth to its present numbers.
11. During sexual intercourse, in addition to the genitals and breasts, the inner nose also swells.
12. White women are the most likely to engage in anal sex, particularly if they also have a college degree.
13. During erection, a smaller flaccid penis tends to have a greater percentage increase than a larger flaccid penis.
14. A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 5 calories.
15. Sex burns off an average of about 100 calories per session.
16. On average, from two to five million sperm are released each time a man ejaculates.
17. During any given period, women who read romance novels have a tendency to have twice as many lovers as those who don’t.
18. Almost a third of all women over 80 years of age still have sex with their spouse or boyfriend.
19. For both men and women, the heart rate averages 140 beats per minute at the point of orgasm.
20. The average woman will have sex more than 3,000 times over the course of her reproductive years.
21. Most men under 40 years of age can achieve an erection in less than 10 seconds.
22. Heterosexual anal sex is something 43% of women have experienced.
23. Women consider penis size the ninth most important feature for a man, while men rate it much more highly, in third place.
24. When a man ejaculates, the initial spurt travels at 28 miles per
hour – faster than the world record for the 100m sprint, which currently
stands at 22.9 miles per hour.
25. In one hour, the average sperm can swim seven inches.
26. With nothing in its path, a penis can shoot semen anywhere from 12 to 24 inches.
27. The longest erect penis on record was 13 inches. The smallest was 1cm.
28. There are 20 male masochists for every female masochist.
29. The average adult testicle contains enough sperm to measure a quarter of a mile laid out end to end.
30. For 75% of men, ejaculation occurs within 3 minutes of penetration.
31. During an average man’s lifetime, he will ejaculate approximately
17 litres of semen, which amounts to about half a trillion sperm.
32. The testes increase in size by 50% when a man is sexually aroused.
33. Australians are the most receptive to the idea of having a threesome – 28% of them claim to have tried it.
34. 1 in 50 people claim to have had sex in an aeroplane.
35. Fifteen percent of adults have had sexual intercourse at work.
36. Forty-one percent of men would like to have sex more frequently. Only 29% of women share this urge.
37. Greek couples have sex an average of 138 times a year – placing
them at the top of the world sex league. Japanese couples have sex just
45 times a year, which puts them in last place.
38. Five percent of adults have sex once a day. 20% have sex 3 - 4 times per week.
39. Every time they engage in oral sex with their partner, 30% of women swallow.
40. When sexually aroused, 60% of men get erect nipples.
41. Half of single women have sex by the third date.
42. Eighty percent of men living in the USA have been circumcised.
43. Women over 40 years of age are more likely to masturbate than any other group.
44. There’s a direct link between how often a man has sex and his life expectancy.
45. According to experts, sex is about 10 times more effective as a tranquilliser than Valium.
46. Sex can relieve a headache – it releases the tension, which restricts blood vessels in the brain.
47. Forty-four percent of women find it impossible to enjoy sex with a man who is not
their intellectual equal. Just 31% of men share this problem.
48. There are about 1,000 recognised euphemisms for ‘vagina’ in the English language.
49. At any given time, 25% of people are daydreaming about sex.
50. Over half of American adults have used the phone, email or text message to have sex.
51. According to studies, the larger a man’s testicles, the more likely he is to stray.
52. Seventy-five percent of Japanese women own a vibrator. The average worldwide is 47%.
53. It takes two tablespoons of blood to get the average man’s penis erect.
54. During their lifetime, the average driver will have sex in their car six times.
55. Americans spend twice as much money on pornography as they do on biscuits.
56. The clitoris contains twice as many nerve fibres as the penis – a toe-curling 8,000.
57. One in five women living with their boyfriend has more than one sexual partner.
58. Besides humans, bonobos (a type of chimp) and dolphins are the only animals that have sex for pleasure.
59. It tends to be easier for women to orgasm during ovulation than at any other time in their cycle.
60. The size of the vagina decreases by 30% as orgasm becomes imminent.
61. While giving birth, some women have been known to experience orgasm.
62. Inside the female body, sperm cells can survive for up to nine days.
63. For up to 70% of women, simultaneous direct stimulation of the
clitoris during intercourse is essential for them to reach orgasm.
64. Over 30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation. 10% of men are affected by erectile dysfunction.
65. It’s possible to relieve depression through masturbation.
66. The longer a man’s ring finger is compared to his index finger, the more testosterone he has.
67. The average aroused vagina is 4 inches long – shorter than the average erect penis, which measures in at 6 inches.
68. The average woman can reach orgasm in about 4 minutes through
masturbation, while through intercourse, it can take 10 – 20 minutes.
69. Sneezes, along with orgasms, are the only physiological responses
that cannot be voluntarily stopped once they have started.
70. Straight men tend to have smaller penises than gay men.
71. Eighty-five percent of women are very satisfied with their partner’s penis size.
72. Evidence exists indicating that penis size may be linked to index finger length.
73. In rare cases, menstrual cramps have been known to bring about orgasm.
74. The amount of wet dreams a man is likely to have increases in line with the number of years spent in formal education.
75. Compared to anywhere else, adults are more likely to tell a lie in bed.
76. The majority of women prefer to have sex in the dark.
77. Men find women with enlarged pupils more sexually attractive.
78. When having sex, black women are 50% more likely to reach orgasm than white women.
79. Sixty percent of non-smoking women have had no sexual partners in the past
year, while 70% of women who smoke have had more than four lovers over
the same timescale.
80. Women who are prone to migraines tend to have a higher sex drive than those who are not.
81. Thirty four per cent of men have told lies in order to have sex. Ten per cent of women have done the same.
82. More than 50% of all cheating wives choose married men as their lovers.
83. About 1% of women can achieve orgasm solely through breast stimulation.
84. Within the week, 22% of women tell at least five friends about their first sexual experience with a partner.
85. Seventy percent of men and women admit to having fantasised about someone else while having sex.
86. Two thirds of runners admit to having thought about sex while running.
87. Sixty-eight percent of men and 59% of women had a sexual liaison with someone in
their past, which they have not told their current partner about.
88. An overwhelming majority of sexual partners have only skimpy knowledge of what truly turns each other on.
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Tuesday, October 2
Hottest hit in town
Should now be obvious to all why he
is 'CRAZY' else how on earth announce on radio 'contemplating resigning'
instead of doing so. I guess he is hoping such antics will sway the powers that
be to spare him his crumbling and untenable position.
In the mean time, eii dark humour has
emerged! A dude has gone and twisted Tic Tac's hit song of the early 2000s ‘Philomena’.
He's got earphones on, and is busily dancing on a patched-up video:
Cocaine hyɛ ha, cocaine wɔ ha, cocaine hyɛ ha...POW! Philomena kpitinge...coke coke
Cocaine hyɛ ha, cocaine wɔ ha, cocaine hyɛ ha...POW! Philomena kpitinge...coke coke
Wee hyɛ
ha, wee wɔ ha, wee hyɛ ha....POW! Philomena
kpitinge...wee wee
This song dey be kɛkɛ
Comedy Ghana; that is the only
way to keep one’s sanity in the land of our birth!!
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