From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles matter
Oh man, great mighty man
Only your creation was heralded by mighty discussion
The alpha and omega of democracy
Yet crowned linchpin over creation from genesis
Authority and power bequeathed to you
Even free will of good and evil to choose your path to sojourn
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles determine
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles matter
Oh man, the treble personality
Clothed in the physical body made of dust to give form
Influenced by the Great Spirit to do unimaginable wonders
Imbued with the breath of the Supreme Being’s living soul
Varying triple forces competing for control over mind, heart and soul
Confused, enthused and even excited man remember your creator
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles determine
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles matter
Oh man, your way is cut out in treble rites
Natal off the womb to initiate the rite of journey
Nurtured to sustain Adam’s heritage
Hormone triggered feeling pulls you to choose an ally
Only passage you partake of personally to procreate succession
Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles determine
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles matter
Oh man, still treble the notion of claim of truth
All belief systems accept your triplet concept
The created contact seeking to unravel mysteries
Intermediary interceding spiritually on behalf
Supreme Being urging his creation back to the narrowway
Will man ever comprehend this scheme of affairs and reject sham
From cradle to grave inevitable but trebles determine
watch out for upcoming event: